The Global British School is focused on academic excellence and is being founded by a highly-qualified team of UK teachers and leaders.
Their wide experience of education is built upon many years’ experience of working in and with schools in the UK, USA, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, Pakistan and Canada.
Backed up by a strong team of finance, IT, HR and communication specialists, TGBS brings together the strongest possible complement of educationalists and business professionals.
Of course, the true identity of any organisation lies in its guiding principles and its core values. It is therefore important for us to share these with you as prospective parents, staff, students or interested onlookers.
We believe in
When all of these three partners work equally and in harmony, we believe that the essential platform is in place for every child to reach for and achieve their potential, academically, socially, economically and spiritually.

Building upon the perspective which this triangle gives us, The Global British School is also
FUTURE-SENSITIVE in strategy. We recognise that we are preparing our students for the world of their futures, and not for the world into which we grew. We are therefore committed to recognise the changing world in which we live, and to be ready to help our students prepare for that future world and for the moral and personal challenges that may well come with it.
INTERNATIONAL in outlook. We believe in the equal value of all peoples, regardless of race, nationality, gender, wealth or ability. We also believe in the enrichment of all people’s lives by the respectful sharing of perspectives, priorities and principles with one another, even when those may be different and, at times, contrary. We believe both in the importance of holding to one’s own values and outlook on life, and in the grace required to accept the right of others to hold onto their values and views as well.
RESEARCH-LED in the classroom. We base our online teaching practice on what is already known to work best for children, but we also engage with the very best academic research in order to follow the evidence where improvements in practice can be made.
TRANSPARENT in communications; SECURE with information. As a fee-paying school, we believe it is right that parents have confidence in how we spend our funds, how each child’s learning is progressing, how we plan for the future, and how we are performing as a learning institution against international standards. As holders of personal and confidential information on our students, their families and our staff, we are also committed to the security and proper handling of that information, in accordance with the most rigorous data protection protocols.