Our Staff Vacancies

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Becoming a staff member at TGBS offers you the opportunity to be part of a ground-breaking international education initiative.

As such, it enables you to help shape the future of mainstream education online, to build true global citizenship for our young people, and to become a leader of e-learning into the 2030s.

Why Work at The Global British School?

As an international online school, offering full-time live tuition across the full UK curriculum, we are already attracting worldwide attention, and we expect to see teacher applications from across the globe as well. Our primary focus when selecting our teachers will be two-fold. Firstly, we are looking for teachers who are first-language English speakers with an excellent grasp of written and spoken English, and secondly, who are fully committed to a UK-style of teaching which develops interaction, curiosity, investigation and student initiative.

You will see the timing of our School Day and the length of our School Year. Of course, our teachers do not spend time travelling to or from work; indeed, this may be the first time in your career where you might be considering a job application without having to move house. Working for TGBS, you don’t even have to move country!

Of course, we know that teaching well, marking well and planning well makes our profession a demanding one, and so we want to give teachers as much control over their time as possible. That is one reason why our teaching hours are concentrated into a 4-hour day, so that staff can decide how best to manage the remaining 20. And yet our staff are on full-time contracts and receive full-time pay.

We are a school designed and built by teachers, for teachers who just want to teach. We know what gets in the way of that calling, and we ‘manage out’ those blockages so that our motivated staff can see our motivated children thrive.

We have a deep commitment to family time and family values, and are passionate about our staff and students being able to enjoy the very best that an engaging education can offer, without its unnecessary pressures, bureaucracies and ‘time-theft’.

As an international online school, we are not subject to OfSTED inspection and are genuinely able to enjoy the reality of positive and professional self-review alongside partners such as Cambridge International. We believe profoundly in inter-dependent teamwork and mutual trust, strong support, the sharing of expertise and a sense of service ; in this way, we seek to foster a deep commitment to provide the very best education possible for every child in our care.

Ours may be the cultures, priorities and values which you believe in too, and if they are, we invite you to consider the following questions:

Do I see equal value in all children, regardless of their background, ethnicity or ability?
Do I believe that great teaching can make a significant difference to a child’s academic attainment?
Do I enjoy using new technologies to find fresh ways of helping children to learn?
Am I interested in the further development of online learning, whereby greater flexibility, a more meaningful work-life balance, and the joy of working with young people from many different countries and cultures can all be achieved through a school such as TGBS?

If your answers to the above questions are all YES, then why not consider our school as a genuine opportunity for you to enjoy your teaching even more than you do now?

Please Note :

QUALIFICATIONS. All teachers must hold graduate degrees in the subject(s) relevant to the position being applied for.
THE TAUGHT DAY. All teaching is delivered simultaneously across the same 4-hour period, Monday to Friday, wherever our teachers and students live. These hours are from 9am to 1pm in the UK (September to October and April to June) but from 8am to 12pm in the UK (November to March). This is to ensure that for the vast majority of our students, who live in countries which do not ‘fall back’ and ‘spring forward’ with the UK clocks, their lessons will always be at the same local time where they live (see the Find Your Times Table on the Our School Day page). Other than a weekly Staff Meeting/Subject Group Meeting, the afternoons and evenings of every day are free for you to organise your marking, preparation and other professional duties around your own personal and family time. Effectively, this means that we have created a system which means that teachers teach for FIVE HALF DAYS but are paid for FIVE FULL DAYS.
SALARY. Our Teacher Contracts cover the full 52-week Calendar Year from September to August, which includes 33 weeks of teaching and 2 Independent Study Weeks (See Our School Year). Annual salaries are paid in line with the Pay Scales and Responsibility Payments applicable to the country in which our teachers live, and are therefore agreed individually.
ADVANCED QUALIFICATIONS SUPPORT. All Teaching staff are eligible to apply for financial, time and advisory support from TGBS and our professional partners to study for post-graduate qualifications or other research opportunities which relate to our work in e-learning, digital technologies and/or online pedagogy.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. All of our students will be living outside of England. While some will be the children of UK parents living abroad, the large majority of our students will not be British. We are therefore looking for staff who are excited about teaching classes made up of children from a variety of countries, with all of their rich and diverse cultural backgrounds and identities. All lessons will be taught in English only, and so all children will be required to speak and write in English, at a level appropriate to their age upon entry. We welcome children who speak languages in addition to English but we are not a Language School (where children are taught English from scratch).
SO WHERE’S THE CATCH? Our early conversations with teachers were dominated by this question. The answer is “There isn’t one”. We have asked deep questions about how schools can work best and, yes, the resulting design is significantly different from physical schooling and from every other online school we have looked at. By re-modelling the length of the taught school day (thus removing long break and lunchtimes), taking out travel time completely (to and from school for teachers and children), giving teachers complete control over when they undertake their PPA duties (for Planning, Preparation and Assessment) and providing world-class resources, lesson outlines and interactive assessment tools at teachers’ fingertips, we are revolutionising the amount of time, energy and quality of input that teachers can give in the classroom.

We also have no buildings to build or maintain, no breaktimes or lunch duties to allocate, no furniture to buy or repair, no books to lose or replace, and no traffic delays to manage. And we give parents back the major role in the upbringing of their children which many fear has been stolen from them, while opening their children’s minds to a truly international and technologically-rich future.

TGBS may not be rocket science, but so many teachers have been told that the basic realities of schooling cannot be fundamentally changed. As a result, many teachers leave the profession, disillusioned by the things that get in the way of the very best teaching and learning.

At TGBS, we think differently, and we think creatively, so that obstacles are removed rather than crashed into. If that is the way you think too, you might just be the person we are looking for.