As an online school, one of our great advantages is that we can record and retain our taught lessons.
This is helpful in many ways but relies on the co-operative goodwill of staff, parents and students in order for it to be effective.
Firstly, recorded lessons can be invaluable for children who are unable to attend classes through a debilitating illness or other unavoidable circumstance, or if their technology fails unexpectedly. Thankfully, online lessons mean that there is no need to miss class just because of a cough or cold, or some other condition which would prevent travel or make it difficult for them to mix with others.
The Library is also useful for new starter children who may join TGBS in the middle of a Term and would benefit from watching what their classmates have been doing in some key subjects over the couple of days before they join.
Recorded lessons provide an invaluable professional development tool, for staff to watch each other teach in order to share and compare best practice, and to see how different children respond to different teachers and their different teaching techniques.
Reviewing recorded lessons can also helps staff to identify children who may be struggling but who do not tell their teachers that they need help.
The Library also contains a number of additional lessons which have not already been taught. These lessons are particularly useful if a teacher is unexpectedly absent through illness. Typically these are consolidation or extension lessons, or lessons which challenge students’ learning in different ways to the norm; sometimes they are “revise and re-cap” lessons, or special lectures by guest speakers on topics of interest to various age groups.
The Lesson Library is there for exceptional circumstances, and is not to be seen as an alternative to attending classes. Access to recorded lessons is only given to enable lesson catch-up, or if a child is struggling with a concept covered in a specific lesson.
There may be circumstances when lessons are not recorded, or when a recording will not be placed in the Lesson Library.
This may be the result of human error or equipment malfunction, or if the lesson time is being used for a test, silent reading or group work.
Formal assessment tasks, especially the Summative Assessments in December and May/June will be recorded as part of our invigilation procedures and to ensure that students are working alone, but these recordings will not placed in the Lesson Library.
Please note that none of recorded lessons can be downloaded and saved; they have to be viewed on our system as if they were being watched ‘live’.