Students’ classwork is assessed regularly as part of our teaching approach which encourages children to see learning as a series of steps: the receipt and recall of information, followed by its application, analysis and creative response. Consequently, we seek to assess our students’ abilities in each of these areas, as well as simply grading their final answers..
We therefore teach and support students in their attempts to understand and remember facts, features, equations and methods of operations, and to be creative when a situation demands flair or ingenuity. Receiving information with an attentive mind is seen as the fundamental first step towards academic understanding, and it frequently demands the memorisation of information, which is relatively easy to test.
Formative Assessment
Students will be assessed as they work through topics and challenges in class, not always with a formal mark but through the teacher noticing, reinforcing, correcting and commenting on how well they are grasping the work in hand. This form of assessment looks at the processes of learning and how well a child is accumulating the knowledge and skills which will be needed when the final examination comes along. It is also known as Formative Assessment and teachers do not always give specific marks for work done in this process as it is part of a journey and not the destination.
Summative Assessment
The culmination of this journey is the final test, typically at the end of a block of work, at the end of Term or in the End of Year Examination. This is when all of the work done on a topic is complete and the student is ready to be examined on all they have learned, in recall, application, analysis and/or creative response. This is known as Summative Assessment and it will result in a final Grade.
There are two key Summative Assessment periods for every child, every year. These are held at
The end of year examinations in June form part of the decision whether or not to approve each child’s promotion into the next Year Group in September, but a student’s work THROUGHOUT THE YEAR will also be taken into consideration when making this decision.
It will be made clear to students, in advance, what topics and skills will be tested in each of their Summative Assessments, so that they are focused on how to prepare and what to revise.
PLEASE NOTE : The Summer Assessments for IGCSEs and A LEVELS can start as early as late April and carry through May and June.

Assessment Integrity
Online assessments will always rely on the trust between home and school, to ensure that the work submitted has been prepared solely by the child, without them accessing any outside help from other people or from notes which should not be referred to once the assessment is underway.
We have various technologies and procedures in place to ensure that all of our assessments are valid, but parents will be asked to ensure that these conditions are fully met. We also make use of spoken assessments to ensure that children can explain their answers to us and can therefore prove to us the depth and extent of their understanding.
The core purpose of assessments in TGBS is for us to discover how much a child is able to understand, remember and apply, so that we can help them improve and succeed in their final examinations. Parents have a key part to play in this, and therefore in your child’s ultimate success.
The Summer Assessments for IGCSEs and A LEVELS are taken as Examinations run by Cambridge International. They are taken under formal examination conditions, in British Council premises or in a Cambridge International School near to where the child lives. These Examinations are not taken online.