Every parent wants to trust the school which teaches their child, trust the teachers who meet their child every day of the school year, and trust the leaders who are responsible for ensuring that their child has the very best start in life.
TGBS works alongside parents in partnership.
Academic information
We will share all academic information as to how your child is progressing and we will provide you with pointers as to how they can reach their next learning goals.
Skills and Relationships
We will also keep you aware of how their skills and relationships are developing and invite you to tell us about their achievements and how they interact with those whom they meet outside of school.
Primary Responsibility
At the heart of TGBS is the recognition that parents have the primary responsibility for raising your children. Schools should support you in that role, and should not take that role away from you. This is particularly important in areas of the curriculum where children are introduced to ideas which are different to the values, priorities or traditions within your family.
Work with you
Our overarching aim is to work with you so that, together, we can see your children grow and thrive. This is why TGBS is attracting interest from parents across Europe, Africa and Asia; we hope it will attract you too.
Ask at Home
That is why every teacher knows how and when to deploy our Ask at Home exercises, so that children are able to speak with their families about their outlook on matters of faith, morality, behaviour, outlook and tradition. As a UK international school, seeking to build a sense of global citizenship within our students, we believe that they must understand not only the traditional values of the UK and the views of other people in the world, but must also be taught to know and appreciate the beliefs within their own households and cultures as well.
In order to see how this relationship will operate in detail, please also see the outline of our ‘Home with School’ Contract
Our online school crest shows the many branches of a single tree, each one unique, bearing its own leaves, and yet all attached to the same trunk and fed from the same roots.
This is a powerful symbol of how being part of TGBS can bring people together in joint enterprise, in friendship and in mutual support. Our tree also speaks of the unique nature of every child, growing in their own way and at their own pace, and yet enabled to grow under the nourishment and protection of the same single source.
It is our solemn commitment to every parent that TGBS will do everything in our power to help your ‘young branch’ to feed, grow and bear great fruit as a result of being part of our school.